Improving your strength and self-esteem

Read what coach Smith has to say about it.

"We're just getting back in the swing of things right now," says Smith. "We did a lot of other training last year," while also taking to the track. Maintaining your muscle density is important to avoid injuries, so it's no surprise that the strength of your upper body is of interest to many lifters.

jump rope man

"It's a great question," says Smith, "because when you look at a lot of people's results on the gym, they all looked the same." That's because the upper body is such an important part of the body, he says. "We all know that just one arm has a significant negative effect on your overall health," he reasons. "Most of us have an arm that hangs off the side of the body from childhood. The weight of the arm does have a big impact on the upper back and the shoulders." But there's also some good news: "We have good results regarding strength and self-esteem with these weights right now," Smith says.

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"We're still trying to get as much core strength as we can, and to get some of the mobility from that as well, and to make sure that we have a strong upper back. We still have a lot of room to grow at the upper back as well as the shoulders." Smith says he's hoping that his students will have some success with the workout. After taking the class, Smith says he hopes to see an improvement in his students' upper back strength and, by extension, their backs. The next lesson of coach Smith will be about using a weighted jump rope to full benefits.