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  1. How to train for success

    If I had to go through life without ever achieving any ambition, then I would rather not live.

    When I’m not working I’m not doing the things that people think only the privileged can do. The same way that a child is different from their father, I wanted to be the same way at a certain age. I wanted to become an athlete, that was my dream since I was little, and I know I’m a bit better than many of you.

    bizeps curls

    I know I could’ve achieved that if I hadn’t gone into jumping the heavy rope, but I always chose the path that I …

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  2. Make a difference by training like everyone else

    For the first time the top 10 players in the world have the opportunity to make a big difference and win a big contract by winning an Olympic gold medal.

    The top three finishers get paid a combined sum of $25 million, which is a far greater wage than the $10 million the players will get as players in the upcoming Major League Baseball draft lottery. But the players who get that top wage will need to do much more than just prove they deserve it.

    💥 🌍 ⚒️

    They have to prove they can win the gold medal, because if they can’t win, they won’t be paid anything to play …

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