Boost your fitness with these essential exercises

Strengthen your shoulders and improve balance with jumping rope and reverse crunches.

Let's get started with a powerful move that will boost your overall fitness! Start by lifting your left foot off the ground by about 6 inches, and raise your hips slightly. Next, perform a quick, tight push-up using your right arm and left leg while keeping your hips up.

man doing crunches

Repeat this movement for 2 reps, then 3, 4, 5, and so on. Complete 3 sets of this exercise. Make sure to maintain proper form and keep the range of motion consistent throughout. Keep your head aligned with your shoulders, and avoid looking up at the ceiling. To get the most out of this exercise, begin by holding the pose for 25 seconds, then gradually decrease the time to 30, 20, 15, and finally 10 seconds.


In addition to strengthening your shoulder and improving balance, jumping rope has many other benefits for your health and fitness. Regular jumping rope can increase cardiovascular endurance, improve coordination, and even aid in weight loss. Another great exercise to add to your routine is the reverse crunch. This move targets your shoulder and helps to alleviate any discomfort or weakness in the area. The reverse crunch has two parts: the straight arm exercise and the reverse arm exercise. You're already familiar with the straight arm exercise, so why not take it to the next level and try the reverse arm exercise as well!
